Meet EBSCO Community members at events on "OPEN" topics.

Meet EBSCO Community members at events on "OPEN" topics.

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Are you interested in events related to the OPEN topic? Planning to attend a conference, but can't find a single source of knowledge on the topic? Perhaps you are also organizing an event that has sessions on open source, open access or open infrastructure on the agenda? Nothing easier! The EBSCO Community platform is developing a tab for in-person events and webinars, where we will post all events where you will meet experts and library professionals discussing OPEN-related issues. Take advantage today and register for the event of your choice. The sessions we publish take place in the global and virtual space. Depending on where you live, work or other preferences, you can benefit from our recommendations.

If you have questions or would like to post an event you are organizing or participating in as a speaker or attendee, please contact us.

We hope to see you at upcoming events.

Events Tab

Upcoming Events Section

Past Events Section


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Photo by Andrew Seaman on Unsplash



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