Take the next step! On how to get involved in the EBSCO Community.

Take the next step! On how to get involved in the EBSCO Community.

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We are happy that you are a member of the EBSCO Community. You receive notifications, you read articles, but is that all you can do as part of our community? If you're wondering how you can benefit from being a member, read our recent article. However, if you're still missing out on real engagement, keep reading this one.


Did you know how easy it is to follow the activities of other EBSCO Community members - including library staff and thought leaders from many libraries and library organizations across the globe?

The first option is to view who has joined the community and choose if you are interested in all members or if you are interested in specific activities or contacting the EBSCO Community managers. You can filter by countries, topics you and they are interested in, relevance or by alphabetical order.

If members of the community have added a link to their LinkedIn, you can also learn about their professional development through this platform.

By clicking on a person's profile, you can find out what their role is, where  they work, where they are from, what topics they are interested in, what they read, who they follow or who follows them. The contributors also have their published articles displayed. We also encourage users to follow each other. This means that you will be notified when something new is published so you can stay up to date.


These are direct messages of up to 5 people that you can start from someone's profile by clicking 'start conversation'.


You can also start a video conversation with someone else and up to 10 other users. These can be recorded and turned into Community content, or just used like a Zoom call.


This section of the site allows you to keep up to date with your personal interests. There are several tabs (people, rooms, courses, analytics) where you can see what's been happening in the Community that relates directly to you. For example, the latest updates in the rooms that you're a member of, or suggestions of other users who have similar interests.


You can read articles by topic category, language preference, or according to the time of their publication - thanks to notifications that you receive by email. Articles will also be reminded to you in the form of newsletters. The articles have the possibility of commenting, as well as the feature of liking, which is known from other social platforms. If you would like to share the article with others, you can use the publishing option on platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, WhatsApp.

You can also send the article by email. The program will automatically set the subject line of the email and attach an article link to your message.


Did you know that EBSCO Community is also a place where you can expand your knowledge? Not only by taking the webinars that we offer on a regular basis, but also by participating in offered courses. Click on the Courses tab and start your journey.

GET INVITED - coming soon

If you want to see what's happening in the open world and learn about industry events, webinars, or live sessions, you will soon be able to see them in the form of a calendar. Register, save to your calendar or share with others an event that interests you.

VOTE - coming soon

The community has a voice, and we want to hear it. Take part in our polls, vote, give feedback and build a diverse picture of our Community with us. Soon, we'll also be inviting you to vote on topics to be heard at upcoming EBSCO Community events. Stay tuned.

DON'T BE LIMITED - coming soon

We know that our Community is international. Our members speak many languages, and while the primary language of our community is English, we also publish in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and other languages. For this reason, we will soon be offering the possibility of a mechanical translation of the platform and the articles published on it into the language of your choice. A single click will open the entire content in the most convenient form for you. 


If you want to see what topics have most interested you in the EBSCO Community, it's easy. Click on the Analytics tab and see your activity graphs. See what you liked and what you commented on. And, if you're one of the authors, see how your article is resonating with the Community.


If you have found EBSCO Community to be a great place to develop your network, competencies, or inspiration, and you have limited the topics you are interested in during the registration process, you can modify your preferences easily. Update your preferences - both in terms of which topics you would like to explore and in terms of notifications. You can also verify your subscription to the EBSCO Community newsletter.

And make yourself better known by adding a photo of yourself, references to social media platforms, or direct email contact. You can also share a website that is important to you - a website of the institution where you work or a website that you create yourself.


We are looking for regular community contributors to create and share content with EBSCO around trends and perspectives related to ‘open’ in libraries. We are accepting articles in all languages. If you are interested, then please get in touch!


Stay with us, get involved and let us know if you miss any features.


Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

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Go to the profile of sayed saqib abbas
2 months ago

Thank you for this detailed overview! The EBSCO Community offers incredible opportunities for networking, learning, and engagement. Excited to explore the features, especially the personalized updates and upcoming tools like multilingual support and polls. Great platform for collaboration!